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  1. Setting the Stage for More Rooftop Farms
    In 2010, Lufa Farms created the world's first commercial-scale greenhouse on the roof of a commercial office building. The event has been heralded as a milestone in urban agriculture and a potential "game changer". But creating this new type of city farm was a difficult task.

  2. Recycled Printing, Your Opportunity to Safe Guard the Environment
    Our generation is learning its lesson and paying the price with the effects of global warming creeping up on us. 12.5 million tonnes of paper are consumed by the UK population and a devastating 4.7 million tonnes of that paper ends up in landfills. Almost 80% of the original forests and trees on the globe have been cut down and degraded.

  3. The Hottest Topic of the Moment, Renewable Energy
    If you haven't heard all the talk about Renewable Energy, you must have been living in a cave for the last 10 years. Even so, if you were in a cave I am sure someone would have told you about solar energy, wind power or hydro power. These are all examples of renewable energy, that are being used in to days world and with the concern of Global Warming, at no other time in our history has this concept been more important.

  4. How You Can Use Solar Power in Your Own Home
    As I am sure you have noticed the cost of your electricity and gas keeps rising year after year, this inculded with more people looking to move to living a more carbon friendly lifestyle, many of us are starting to look into alternative ways to power our homes.

  5. Caring for the Environment: Used Moving Boxes
    When moving, it is inevitable that you need boxes to place all of your belongings in. Could you imagine taking all of your things and placing them inside a moving truck without having something to put everything in? That would literally take you forever and it is that very reason why moving boxes are so important in the moving process.

  6. Built-in Photovoltaics: Solar Energy That Takes The Place Of Conventional Glass And Roofing
    A promising renewable energy technology that breaks down pre-existing concerns and hesitation about solar energy is called Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV). These systems actually build solar cells into the construction of a building. They look as natural as what would have been a conventional roof, window, awning, and even concrete.

  7. Office Equipment, the WEEE Directive and Global Warming Issues
    Environmentally Friendly photocopiers and other office equipment are crucial to workplace energy-saving and waste-reduction. Many measures (procedural and technical) have been implemented by equipment manufacturers, dealers and distributors even before the government's introduction of measures via legislation such as the weee directive.




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