Seven Steps To Work-At-Home Success In 2012
by Leslie Truex
Home Business / Other Business Opportunities
Published on this site: January 4th, 2012 -
more articles from this month
The other day a woman said to me that her family was trying to put her
off from working at home because it doesn't exist. When I hear stories
like this I don't know whether to cry or scream. I want to cry because I'm
thinking of the dream that is being snuffed out. I want to scream
because people do work at home. In fact, it's so prevalent now, you
can't go anywhere without meeting one of us. We're your friends on
Facebook, the person sitting next to you in the coffee cafe, and the
owner of the business you just bought something from.
Today working at home is possible for anyone, but it's not fast,
immediate or automatic. It requires research, planning, implementation
and diligence. If you're willing to put in the effort, you can work at
home in 2012.
- Decide what you want: That sounds pretty easy. More money.
Better house. More time. But, these are vague goals and don't inspire
action. Be clear about what you want. Be specific including what color,
what size, what shape, what brand...etc. Do you want to be home with the
kids every day? How much money would that take? What size and style
house exactly do you want? Where is it located? On how much land? The
more specific you are with your goals, the easier it is to focus on them
and be inspired by them. In fact, these desires are the fuel that will
keep you moving forward when a part of you wants to give up.
- Believe it is possible: Richard Bach who wrote Jonathan
Livingston Seagull said, "Sooner or later, those who win are those who
think they can." Working at home is possible. Millions of others have
proven it to be true. They are no smarter or more talented or luckier
than you. They just knew it could be done and figured out how to do it.
You can do the same.
- Know it will be hard: In M.J. Ryan's book, "This Year I
Will..." she relates studies that show people who accept that reaching
their goal will be hard and that mistakes will be made are more
successful than people who don't. These people understand that set-backs
are a part of the process and are determined to learn from mistakes.
Working at home is like any other goal, some days you do well, others
you don't. Set-backs take all forms, such as people who think you're
nuts for working at home, customers returning products or complaining, a
marketing strategy that cost a fortune and produces no results, and so
on. It's all a part of the process.
- Take action: Having goals without action is like having a
road map but not getting in the car to go anywhere. Mark Twain once
said, "The secret to getting ahead is getting started." Unfortunately,
it's the start that stops most people. Don't be one of them. Do
something every day that moves you towards your goal. In fact, set out
to do 5 things every day that will move you towards your goal.
- Take 100% responsibility: You are where you are now because
of choices you have made. I understand that life may be tough. Perhaps
you have been laid off. Or maybe you or someone you love is ill. Life
presents challenges, but the most successful people in history have
overcome tremendous odds to achieve success. Kyle Maynard was born
without any arms below the elbow or legs below the knee. Despite his
physical challenges, Kyle was one of the top wrestlers in Georgia in his
senior year of high school. At the 2004 Georgia State Wrestling
Championships, he had an impressive record of 35-16. He is also the
author of the book, "No Excuses" which is what this step is about. You
need to give up excuses that prevent you from taking action on your
goals, and instead recognize that challenges are obstacles to work
around not reasons to quit. While you can't control all the external
things in your life, you can choose how you respond to them. By choosing
to act instead of be acted upon, you will be taking 100% responsibility
for your life.
- Work through the fear: Fear is best described as:
- Fantasized
- Experiences
- Appearing
- Real
Fear is what keeps us in our comfort zones: But what is there to fear
anyway? What people will think? Who cares? Odds are they don't have what
you want and can't help you get it. So why listen to them? To overcome
fear, you need to make your dream bigger than your fear. Your desire to
work at home needs to be bigger than the fear of what others are going
to say about you (and truth be known, people don't think about you nearly as much as you think they do if at all). Also, make your
goals urgent and just as important as other things in your life. When
you MUST live your dream, you will.
- Be willing to pay the price: I'm not talking about money
although sometimes that is a part of reaching your goals. In paying the
price you sacrifice and work harder than you have ever done before.
Leisure activities like reading and watching television may have to go
on the wayside as you spend time working on your goal. You may need to
give up some extras like manicures, lattes, or dining out so you can
have the extra money to live on or to use in building your business. A
price must be paid but the payment is temporary, while the payoff is
Working at home is available to anyone willing to do the work. Getting
started begins with have the right mindset of belief and a willingness
to step outside your comfort zone and work through the challenges.
(C) 2012 Leslie Truex
Leslie Truex is the author of
The Work-At-Home Success Bible (Adams Media). She
has been telecommuting and running home businesses
for over 15 years and helping others to work at home
in jobs or home businesses since 1998. Get
work-at-home jobs and other resources with her free
newsletter at