Knowing The Types And Sources Of Business Opportunities
by Mario Churchill
More Home Business / Other Business Opportunities Articles
Published on this site: August 11th, 2009 - See
more articles from this month
Contrary to popular opinion, business opportunities abound in
all kinds of economies; you just have to know where to look for
it. And sometimes, you should consider creating business
opportunities instead of waiting for them to come knocking at
your door.
Types of Business Opportunities:
There are all sorts of business opportunities to explore and
which are already present in the market, but not all of them
will make a perfect match for you. Choose carefully then because
taking advantage of the wrong business opportunity can only
cause you more financial burden.
- Self-Discovery as Source for Business Opportunities
Create a Product for a Unsatisfied Need:
There are a lot of
unsatisfied needs in all types of markets and although taking
advantage of these business opportunities promise a lot of
rewards, keep in mind that they also represent greater risk.
Also, be sure that your product or service satisfy needs and not
wants because the former is for keeps while the latter simply
come and go.
- Improve an Existing Product:
If you notice a particular
product or service that is obviously unable to fully satisfy its
target market, that situation can be immediately transformed
into a business opportunity…if you have an idea on how to
improve it, that is. These business opportunities represent
lower risks and consequently lower rewards as well compared to
those associated with creating a completely new product.
- Use an Existing Product for an Untapped Market:
business opportunities are discovered not by creativity but
rather because of resourcefulness. These business opportunities
definitely exist, but the process of discovering them is almost
akin to creating a new product to satisfy an unwanted need. The
rewards, however, are just as great. One good example for this
is how a Philippine company was able to make use of coconut
husks – which was once the least useful of all parts of the
coconut tree – by grinding and turning them into a concrete
mixing compound. It soon became not only a more affordable
alternative but a more environmentally friendly one as well!
- Joint Effort as Source for Business Opportunities:
As they always say, two brains work better than one. And in the
world of business, there are twice as much business
opportunities available just as long as you're open to working
with others.
- Buying a Franchise:
What's your first reaction when you see a
thriving company? Do you feel envious? Do you immediately take
action to become a competitor? These reactions, however, are
somewhat negative, and they shouldn't be your first and only
options. Consider buying a franchise instead. And if they're not
yet offering one, approach them nonetheless because sometimes,
all you need to do is name the right price and what you want
will be yours.
- Be an Angel:
If you find it extremely difficult or impossible
even to come up with a new idea for business then stop torturing
your brain. Instead, find someone trustworthy to sponsor. If you
feel his idea has merit, then you should provide the necessary
funds and earn from his idea.
- Become a Partner: Lastly, if you're unsatisfied with the
limited options that being a franchisee or investor afford you,
you can always choose to take part in a joint venture. As a
partner of the business, you have equal rights to affirm or veto
any changes. And you don't need to think up of any new idea for
business as well! Instead, all you have to do is find a company
you wish to invest in and offer a partnership. It's always worth
a try!
Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has
written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more
information about an excellent business opportunity checkout http://www.starscapes.com.