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Focusing on Setting Dates or Not? (Part 2)

by Susan James

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Published on this site: August 17th, 2005 - See more articles from this month


What if we need something done by such and such a date? Like what if we need money for a regular bill or our monthly rent for our office building is due something by such and such a date. Are you saying we shouldn't intend on the date?


Dates that are already set, have a power already invested in them. Meaning if your phone bill is due on Feb 10, then many people full of light energy helped to create the power around that date. The Phone Company staff, are all having thought patterns of money flowing in for phone bills on Feb 10.

That means that part of the equation is already known. The energy work has been done. In the case of Jessy's boat, Jessy came up with a date that was not supported by anything other than a wish. There are different levels to desires, and wishing carries the less clout.

If however you want to purchase a new car for 40,000.00 and you only make 15,000 per year, and you want to pay cash, and you want this car within 30 days, then you have to ask yourself if you have built your own light energy level to the place where it would support 40,000.00 coming to you within 30 days.

Just because we affirm it, doesn't bring it to us. But once we understand what writing/speaking our desires does do TO us, then we know, we can have whatever we want. But we also know we have to build our light energy bridges to those things in order for them to show up.

In the instance of the phone company, their energy is quite clear. They get the money by a certain date, or they cut your phone off. Their work is done.

Your work is to move yourself to the place that you always know without a second thought, that your phone bill money will show up on time.

That takes some bridge building whether you have one phone, or a staff of 1000 workers all with their own phones.

Susan James author/consultant writes of User Friendly Physics and The Immaculate Physics Applications to our lives. From Millionaires to Weight Loss, Susan writes from personal application of Maverick Momentum methods. For information on award winning books and courses along with free e-media please visit the below website http://www.susanjames.org A Division of Vast Five Productions

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