Coaching Tips for Powerful Presentations
by Sandra Schrift
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Published on this site: January 2004 - See
more articles from this month
It is an awesome responsibility and privilege to address
an audience as a speaker. If you are a coach or business professional
who wants to enroll clients from the platform, you need to
connect and engage with an audience quickly and show them
the benefits of working with you.
- Tip
The purpose of your speech is to get results; to help people
make changes and think or act differently.
- Tip
Show your audience that coaching is a process. It is different
from consulting.
- Tip
Determine what kind of coaching the client wants and
- Tip
People learn in three ways: Visual (what they can see),
Auditory (what they can hear), and Kinesthetic (what they
can touch). Try to include all three ways in your speech.
- Tip
People have short attention spans. Review your main points
before you end your speech.
- Tip
Be conversational by engaging the audience. Don't lecture
the audience.
- Tip
Use humor. This keeps the audience interested and they
learn better.
- Tip
Use strong openings. Examples: a story, a significant
statement, a quotation, a challenging question.
- Tip
Use Strong Closings. Examples: Summary, Review the
main points, make a statement, tell an anecdote, call for
- Tip
Use a written evaluation form. For example, ask them
what they like best about your program; what they like least;
and if they were you how would they improve your program.
Be sure to ask for referrals to other groups who would benefit
from your information.
Sandra Schrift 13 year speaker bureau owner and now
coach speakers to get clients and paid speaking engagements.
I also work with business professionals
and organizations who want to deliver
masterful presentations. To find out
my free bi-weekly Monday Morning Mindfulness ezine