How To Sell Anybody
by Dave Cole
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Published on this site: December 2003 - See
more articles from this month
The Guiness
Book of World Records has proclaimed Joe Girard, "The
World's Greatest Salesman."
During his days as an automobile salesman, Joe, for 12 straight
years, sold more cars and trucks than any other salesperson. In
fact, as an individual, he sold more cars than most dealers sell
in total, and all of them retail.
Coming from hard and humble beginnings, Joe had been thrown out
of high school, fired from over 40 jobs, and had even failed at
being a petty thief!
But in 1949 things began to turn around. He met a man who "took
him under his wings" teaching Joe how to be a building contractor.
Joe became pretty successful and in 1961 he contracted to build
a number of private homes.
Unfortunately he had accepted the word of a real estate speculator
that said the area was to have a sewer system installed. Poor Joe,
he went on the man's word instead of checking things out and finally
found out this just wasn't true. Individual septic tanks had to
be installed, which meant the homes became greatly de-valued.
As a result, Joe lost his business. It was Christmas and Joe Girard
had no job, no savings, and found himself in debt to the tune of
Then the final blow came.....
On a cold day in January, June Girard tearfully told her husband
there was no food in the house and the kids were begging for something
to eat.
On that day, Joe Girard found himself at the absolute bottom of
the barrel.
It was either see his kids starve or go out and find something.
After pleading and begging the manager of a car dealership to hire
him; the manager finally gave in and gave Joe a small desk at the
back of the showroom.
When Joe's first customer walked in that day, just before closing
time, Joe thought to himself, "There's no way this guy is getting
out of here without buying a car from me."
Joe Girard remembered his hungry kids at home, then looked at his
customer and saw......a bag of groceries!
Within a month he became so successful at selling cars that the
manager fired him! He was too aggressive and the other salesmen
were upset.
But Joe had found his calling and it wasn't very long before he
was hired at another dealership where he worked until the day he
retired in 1978.
Recalling that first sale, and telling what made him the Greatest
Salesman In The World, Joe says this: "Want. My want. That
was all I knew. And that want
was enough to drive me to say and do enough of the right things
to sell that customer a car. I am not saying that that's all there
is to it, then or now,
but that is most of it."
"If you want, and know what you want, you will have most of
what you need to be a successful salesman. I mean that. Nobody can
be a successful salesman without wanting. Wanting something very
much. And the more you want, the more you drive yourself to do what
it takes to sell."
"Once I saw that first customer as a bag of groceries to bring
home to my family, he was sold, whether he knew it or not."
You and I might not ever become the world's greatest in what we
do, but we can become the best we can possibly be at it. It all
starts, continues, and ends with 1 simple word:
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