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How To Develop Perseverance For Survive In Business?

by David Blain

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Published on this site: August 5th, 2008 - See more articles from this month

Quitters never win. Winners never quit. The man who gives up at the first sign of setbacks or difficulty never succeeds. The man who takes an adjective lesson from the first or subsequent setbacks, and tries again, attains success, ultimately. His motto is: "I came to win". The thought of defeat does not enter into his head.

Develop an invincible will power. It is will power which sustains perseverance.

Strengthen your desire. Fortify your definite chief aim. Believe in your goal, in your ability, plan and action. Visualize your success. Become success conscious. Think you are succeeding!

You can strengthen your will power to any degree by self control. The simplest way of doing this is to control one's impulses. This can be learnt from the common opportunities offered by the most ordinary happenings of daily life. Suppose you feel a strong urge to have a cup of tea, coffee, a glass of wine, a smoke or to go to cinema at a certain time. At that moment say to yourself: "No, not now." Specify the time when you are allowed by `yourself', e.g. "next day, next week or next month, by such and such time". And stick to it. Small victories reinforce your will for the longer task that lies ahead.

This is no spiritual training. It is only meant for gaining self-control. It is an exercise in self-discipline. A self-controlled and self-disciplined man can go a long way on his chosen path.

It is immaterial whether any other businessman practices it, or not, but it is a known fact that he is glued to his purpose and no force on earth can distract him. It is to develop this quality that you are asked to undergo this training.

Set yourself to a task. Finish it. Brush off the difficulties, distractions or disturbances. Simply carry it through. Do not shift to another job however attractive or demanding it may seem before finishing it completely. Apply play theory extensively. Apply this to each and every small task you are called upon to do in your normal day-to-day life. Do once, twice, thrice . . . till you master it completely.

Which the mastery of this lesson your will power will acquire tremendous intensity. There will be no power on earth to block your way to the top. That place is reserved for you.

We still are within the domain of your mind only. It is a non-economic factor. No money to spend yet. No other complications of any sort. You should be able to master it easily. This magnificent quality will give you an edge over the rest of your competitors. Invoke the play theory. Play your way to success. Learn the secret of perseverance playfully. Just act. Just try again for more fun. Feel the fun of it. And the golden formula is yours.

Believe your success is insured. Winners never quit. Winners never fear. Quitters never win!

This formula is applicable to all kinds of business including online. You can get some tips to develop will power at my websites for free.

David Blain: David is a web master for several websites, blogs, and has written articles on health and will power and is the author of the revealing new techniques at his blog http://best-yoga-tips.blogspot.com on Will power. You can get some will power tips at his blog http://shorturl13.blogspot.com.

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